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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Poetry by JuanManny

So lately I've been really getting into poetry in so many levels, listening, reading and going to peotry readings when I get a chance. So for the first time I will place them here, for all to see, I like them cuz well I wrote them, so yeah. But if you like, let me know, if you hate, don't discrimate, hahaha. Well here they go:

The Seat of Destiny

Where many are and few arrive
I am there, in the chair where dreams are made
created and established
Dreams dreamt, nightmares wept, destiny set
I am in the seat of my destiny

Hynoptized into a unbelievably situation where unimaginable is possible, even from the chair of elementary where my dream was recess and playground, no homework and nintendo, spaceships and Jedi's, Superman with super-caps and super dogs, who fly as high as the plane in the sky, to imagine a destiny as big as the sky, WHY??

My seat is found in a room where a man on stage speaks and lectures about philosophy and science, aritmetic and theology. I sit where one sat before, to pursue that man's dream. He died and still fulfilled his destiny. To die and say you died able to finish.

Even Martin Luther KIng had followers that said, "I also have a dream, I also have a dream." So absurb to follow, to crazy to speak, to unique to fathom. Still a dream can be as crazy as marshmallows in a field with running chocolate rivers, and Homer Simpson sitting on a couch with Mickey Mouse. Dreams of mine, destiny of mine, journey, mission, vision, setps and valleys, hills and mountains, deep and profound, destiny if found in my seat.

Don't take away, don't hide from me, don't run away, don't let me steal, don't let me slip and fall, don't let me brake my skull. Destiny, o how bittersweet my destiny.

Given a near opportunity to be able to expand on my mind, be more profound on my thoughts and my reasons. Given a chance to exceed and to be seen, given a chance to know and to wonder, to reason and to ponder. ONE near opportunity once robbed from me but never again I say, never again.

Seat empty and mind blocked. Heart turned and tears burned. You see it's my time and my second to arise and lift up my opportunity to the sky and exceed and wonder in my life, to begin on this season and on this reason. To my near opportunity I would like to present to you, my seat of destiny.